Important Maintenance Reminders
Yard Work
Piles need to be separated into the following:
- Leaves and pine needles
- Branches and sticks
- Dirt
- Rooted flowers or plants.
Even small branches can plug up the machine. There can be no garbage, wrappers, steel, plastic or glass in the piles. If you fail to follow these guidelines your debris will not be picked up and you will be responsible for your own compost.
NOTE: We Members are very lucky that our neighbor farmer allows us to dump our leaves at his farm. If we didn't have this option, it would cost over $10,000 per year to dump in Clinton, which would increase member fees.
Pine Lake members are reminded that we only have certain recyclables that can be taken by Waste Management. Members may pick up a list of the accepted recyclable items at the store.
If items that are not recyclable are found during pick up, they will leave the bin as found so the member will know that there are items that need to be removed and placed in the trash.
NOTE: As recycling has been picked up, it has been noted that there is a significant number of pop and beer cans, while no one is required to donate these items there is a Cat Program or the Shriner Program that would appreciate your donations.
Garbage pick up is Monday mornings (garbage bags must be clear). Each bag must have a FULL TAG on the top of the bag, including bags that are placed in appropriate containers (garbage bins). The weight limit for garbage bags is 30 lbs. The bags that are too heavy and can not be easily picked up will be left at the member's site with an 'Overweight' sticker placed on it.
Scrap Metal
Please contact Maintenance staff to arrange an appointment to dispose of any metal.
We are spending serious money and working diligently to improve our sewers. PLEASE DO NOT FLUSH; wipes, cat litter, grease, or feminine products.
Site work
Members that are having contractors or other work done on their site are asked to have the workers park off the street. If the street must be blocked, please contact Maintenance staff ahead of time. All streets must remain open in case of emergencies. (Fire or EMS)